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    Pumpd Blog — Lifestyle

    Fat Burners Plus Exercise and Balanced Diet: Healthier Body

    Fat Burners Plus Exercise and Balanced Diet: Healthier Body

    Fat burners for women are very common in the market now because of its natural ingredients that decreases appetite and stimulates metabolisms.

    Let me tell you when I first started on my fitness journey I needed help with suppressing my appetite because I have a major sweet tooth and when I drank coffee I had to have my sweet bread to go along with it or my fave New York Style cheesecake, mmmmm good!

    Many women make use if it because they are desperate to lose those unwanted fats and achieve a leaner physique.

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    Can Stress Make You Gain Weight Explained

    Short answer, yes. Now let’s examine why that is so you can combat this because knowledge is power when APPLIED.


    When you stress your body starts to excrete a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol is the hormone produced by the adrenal glands and the levels vary throughout the day.

    For example, around 9am cortisol is peaking and begins lowering around 1 to 5pm and already by 11pm it is even lower and this is actually referred to as the circadian rhythm.

    This rhythm and level is controlled by different variables like age, stress levels along with some other externalities that control the cycle of cortisol. So depending on these variables you may have your highest levels of stress between 1-4pm and then start cycling down later in the evening. The bad thing is when your levels peak your bloodstream has a lot of cortisol in it and then this increases the oxidative stress and inflammation.

    What does this mean to you? Let me tell you…

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    Fit People Are – Check Out What Google Says

    Fit People Are – Check Out What Google Says


    So Google became famous because of their search engine its just the baddest thing around even businesses when trying to sell and all that stuff they try to rank where, Google. So one of the features of Google is that it has predictive search and when you start typing search terms it starts completing it for you.

    Well when you start to type “fit people are” you start to get many different options such as the ones you see in the picture.

    • fit people are more successful
    • fit people are happier
    • fit people are harder to kill
    • fit people are smarter

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    6 Ways People Are Supporting Breast Cancer Awareness

    October marks Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and some individuals and organizations are going beyond pink ribbons to embrace out-of-the-box ways to stand up for breast health.

    We may not talk about it much but if your not aware Pumpd Nutrition has a powerful mission and if you haven’t seen it take a look here.

    So feel good when you shop with ANY location of Pumpd Nutrition because we are supplements with a cause.

    These are 6 different ways people are recognizing breast cancer awareness that will make you smile.

    1. Check Your Puppies!

    breast cancer awareness

    Arguably the best thing on the internet, these pups are bringing attention to breast cancer prevention, thanks to the UK edition of Cosmopolitan and London-based self-examination advocate organization CoppaFeel!. It might seem silly, but their heads (er…hands?) are in the right place: Each month, Cosmo’s Facebook and Twitter followers are reminded to conduct their monthly breast exam with a photo of cute puppies in a bra. Cute animals AND breast health? We’re into it.

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