Whey Protein for Women
Can Women Drink Whey Protein When Trying to Lose Weight …
I run across so many women that are scared to take whey protein for women because they feel it will make them bulky or fat. Watch my short video here to get a glimpse into the facts on why you will not gain weight.
I was actually wearing one of my favorite shirts today, f^&% cancer! Remember, a portion of all our proceeds are donated monthly to Susan G. Komen for breast cancer awareness. If ya didn’t know now ya know!
Many bodybuilders and weight trainers use whey protein in order to add muscle, it may surprise you that it can also encourage weight loss. I am catering this article for the my ladies so let’s stick to the subject at hand; Whey protein for women.
Now for my girls, several studies show that women who drink whey protein as part of a reduced calorie diet may lose more weight due to increased satiety (feeling full) and lower net calorie intake, booyah!! See how easily people over eat by reading my fat article, here.
Comment down below if you were scared to take protein and how you overcame that fear I would love to hear from many of you.
See ya,