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    Pumpd Blog — Pumpd Blog

    Maximize Your Muscles’ Performance with Nitrix Products

    Maximize Your Muscles’ Performance with Nitrix Products

    Nitrix products are known as dietary supplements that contain nitric oxide which promotes dilatation of blood vessels and increases the volume (aka. the PUMP) of muscles. It contains a wide array of products that are specially created and designed for the different stages of workout. Each product is designed to work at a certain stage of work out that will help in boosting the performance of muscles and recovery of muscle tissues. Different kinds of products contain different ingredients but Nitrix products are well known for their high nitric oxide content.


    What are the key features of these amazing Nitrix products?

    • High nitric oxide is known to boost muscle function.
    • Additional precursors of nitric oxide such as the amino acid L-arginine, amino acid beta-alanine and amino acid L-citrulline are also added to this new collection of Nitrix products.

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    Exercises to Tone Your Buttocks Fast

    Exercises to Tone Your Butt Fast

    Shaping your gluteus maximus muscles is high on the wish list of so many women when they come into the store. What woman does not want a nice firm bottom? The gluteus area is however also the so called problem area for a lot of women and sometimes can easily be fixed. Our bodies are in many cases not wanting to free up these fat cells, so us girls really need to ensure we select the right exercises and workouts to trim and tone the gluteus maximus!

    A shapely bottom is a wonder to many but if many of you are Instagram users you see the entire craze about squats and the effects these have on us girls. However, it is only seen on a few privileged women because not all have the right formula to follow through. Well not anymore because I am about to break it down for you ladies!

    Are you ready to transform your behind? I am about to describe the top five exercises to kick-start your butt lift program and literally get your butt in gear.

    The Squat

    This is by far the single best exercise for strength, tone up and best of all shaping the thighs and butt. If you are ever on a time crunch when going to the gym this is the KING of the five workouts so keep that in mind…..Don’t cheat make sure the form is right..

    Form: holding a barbell resting across your upper traps and shoulders, hands wider than shoulder-width apart. Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, feet angled slightly outward. Pull your shoulders back slightly, contract your lower-back muscles, take a deep breath and hold it. Looking straight in front of you, slowly bend at the knees, until your thighs are just above parallel to the ground. Do not bounce at the bottom and do not stop but just slowly push through. Push through your heels to drive yourself back up, contracting your gluteus muscles (buttocks) strongly and exhale as you’re about halfway back to starting position. Breath in and repeat until your entire set is complete.


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    Whey Protein for Women

    Can Women Drink Whey Protein When Trying to Lose Weight


    I run across so many women that are scared to take whey protein for women because they feel it will make them bulky or fat. Watch my short video here to get a glimpse into the facts on why you will not gain weight.

    I was actually wearing one of my favorite shirts today, f^&% cancer! Remember, a portion of all our proceeds are donated monthly to Susan G. Komen for breast cancer awareness. If ya didn’t know now ya know!

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